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Small Ford Enthusiast

39 Posts |
Posted - 19/10/2021 : 13:43:51
John I have heard on the grapevine all ford day is going ahead on 13th & 14th of November have we had any confirmation |
523 Posts |
Posted - 19/10/2021 : 17:48:43
Members, This is what I Know, At this stage it is still on, 40% of Clubs have indicated that they will not be attending. They are having a walk through on 30th November for a final decision.
The big issue is that the Supercars on the same day also on the program are the 2 litre cars, they will be capped at 5000 attending, and they will not have access to the drag way for staging as it is being used for AFD, with access also to the area being limited due to the Speedway that is under construction. Where are patrons going to park and access the site, traffic the biggest problem.
Will have a final update at the November meeting and if it is on tickets will be distributed at the Meeting. Posting out tickets will not be available due to lead time.
Hope I got this right, only informed today.
Cheers John |
Small Ford Addict
685 Posts |
Posted - 27/10/2021 : 21:30:54
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL FORD DAY 2021 - at this stage the club will be attending AFD, a final decision will be made following the walk through which John referred to. If attending AFD, the club is likely to receive tickets just before our November 2021 meeting. Due to these time constraints we ask that members attend the November 2021 meeting at Revesby Workers Club to collect their tickets as there will not be enough time between the receipt of the tickets by the club and the event to post tickets out.
523 Posts |
Posted - 30/10/2021 : 18:56:52
The walk did not go ahead, locked out,(issues with drag ways finances) so we are treating it as all systems go. SFCC will be attending with tickets being distributed at the Club Meeting on 3rd November. If you cannot attend please make contact with a Member that is to collect on your behalf.
Cheers, John 0412837677 |
Small Ford Addict
685 Posts |
Posted - 02/11/2021 : 12:51:26
REMINDER: If you have been allocated a ticket to attend All Ford Day please attend tomorrow night's monthly meeting at Revesby Workers Club - Wednesday 3 November 2021 from 7:30pm to collect your AFD ticket. Whilst there continue to be some questions as to whether the event will proceed at this stage we will be distributing the tickets at the meeting so that if the event goes ahead members have their tickets to attend.
There's also an additional event planned as part of AFD 2021- an All Ford Twilight Car Meet on Saturday 13 November at 4pm. This is in addition to the swap meet and Sunday's main event. Entry by pre-paid ticket on sale now through eventbrite. |
Edited by - Sharee on 02/11/2021 12:55:51 |
Small Ford Addict
685 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2021 : 21:52:18
ALL FORD DAY UPDATE- Thank you to all of those members who came to tonight's meeting and collected their All Ford Day ticket. For those who didn't get to the meeting to collect their ticket, there are 3 collection points from which to collect tickets between now and All Ford Day on 14 November 2021. Please contact a club committee member and we will direct you to the closest pick up point. You must be fully vaccinated to enter with QR check in and vaccination proof required. On the day the entry points are as shown in the maps below. If bringing a car on a trailer use the yellow gate. Event Details:
Sunday - 14th November 2021 Sydney Dragway, Eastern Creek, NSW Display vehicles gate opens - 7.00am to 9.00am. Vehicles MAY NOT EXIT before 3.30pm General Spectator parking & viewing from 9.00am. Spectator Entry via Gate 2, Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek. (see map)

Small Ford Addict
685 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2021 : 17:51:21

523 Posts |
Posted - 11/11/2021 : 19:05:19
All Ford Day is on this Sunday, shout out if you want a ticket, 0412837677 |
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