Small Ford Addict
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Posted - 01/06/2011 : 18:42:59
Monthly Meeting Minutes – 4 May 2011 Chair: Theo Bakasetas Open: 7:46pm
Committee Present: Theo, Hilton, Sharee, Jeremy, Mark Luyten, Scott
Apologies: Mark Freeman, Phil Eyke, Peter Meyer, Paul Jones, Neale Bayliss Mail: see record of meeting for full details.
Minutes from April 2011 meeting available. Approved by Theo Bakasetas (Chair of March meeting).
Treasurer’s Report by Hilton Bennett: $6488.36 Bank $ 518.90 Cash $7007.26 Hilton apologised for the delays in posting the club magazine from last month and said the remainder will be posted within the week.
All British Association Report by Hilton – All British Day on 28 August 2011, Hilton submitted a proposal for a larger area and this is okay provided we buy enough tickets.
CMC Report by Hilton – Meeting is on 30 May. Moree Motoring Club 1914-1920 cars and Milton / Ulladulla Classic Car Club are both seeking affiliation, both approved unanimously. Show n Shine at Central Coast saw $10412 sent to Canteen Charity. The RTA is not attending the June Registration forum with the CMC. Seeking approval for the commencement of a political party to represent club interests as there are 140000 NSW members, put to members and we will support. Unanderra Motoring Museum will be complete at the end of June.
CFC Report – Theo was unable to attend the meeting, which was also missed by Brian Gelding and PWE. Please provide the committee with your details if you want to attend All Ford Day.
For Sales: *Danny Focus $15500 S2170 on Carsales *Escort MkII 2L Ghia white and black vinyl roof $1500 ono Gerringong – on forum *Kirbie’s Cortina $2700 *Jim Campbell has rims 2 sets – 5 rims each mini lite style
Wanted: *V6 Capri engine – see Theo * Theo wants a heater and wiper switch for 1972 MkI * MkI Cortina front bumper for Hilton
Visitors: NIL
Socials Past – Dyno Day& BBQ 9 April 2011. Theo reported. 22 cars on Dyno but 30-40 members attended through the day. Phil Coffey reported on his experience with his Escort – 92.1hp to 97.4hp improvement on second run. Harry’s Café de Wheels 17th April 2011, the last until October 2011 when daylight savings resumes. Theo reported it was a quiet night with only 3 cars. Future –Club Mystery Run 15 May 2011 Meet at Uncle Leo’s at 9am. We will run straight through the finish at lunchtime which will be a little later with a sort break prior. Meguiars Demonstration Night 13 July 2011. Sharee organised and advised 10 attendees required with 30 maximum. Nibbles provided. Products demonstrated on one of our cars.
Displays & Shows Future – British Ford Day 21 May 2001 at Ettamogah Pub. Concourse and Display Day 2011 considering venues Haigh’s Park at Liverpool is okay but the HomeTown management at Warwick Farm said they were not interested. Camden Showground has also been considered with enquiries made by Geoff Bayliss there is a $65 fee and a DA is required. Fairfield Showground is being investigated by Theo. Theo would like the venue finalised by the next meeting.
General Business Steve – bumper over riders – he has had a mold made, he showed a sample of original and reproduction and spoke of doing the same for a MKII spoiler if there was interest. Seeking interest from members.
Guest Speaker -Allan Moffat – video presentation shown again, thanks to Geoff Bayliss for the video taken on Small Ford Sunday. Jim Campbell also showed DVD slide show of work to Hilton’s Cortina following his recent accident.
Meeting closed: 9:22pm