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 2019 CAMS NSW Supersprint Championships

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JVC063 Posted - 17/01/2019 : 17:04:41
Received this via Email,

Dear John,

Your Club, Small Ford Car Club Of NSW Inc. is listed by CAMS as an affiliated car club that has an interest in Speed events.

I would like to invite members of your Club to join the 2019 CAMS NSW Supersprint Championships which will be run over 6 Rounds this year as follows:
Round 1, Sunday, 24th March – SMSP Gardner / GP
Round 2, Sunday 28th April – Wakefield Park
Round 3, Sunday 26th May – SMSP Druitt / North
Round 4, Saturday 10th August – SMSP Amaroo / South
Round 5, Sunday 22nd September – Wakefield Park
Round 6, Sunday 20th October – SMSP Gardner / GP

Your members are welcome to either register to compete in this Championship or enter a round (or more!) as they wish as non-registrants to come and try these great events out.
The benefit of registration (apart from being able to accumulate points towards a State Championship trophy) is that registrants are given their own competition number for as long as they wish to compete and they also get priority entry and inclusion on the Championship email list for entry and results information. Registrants will also contribute points to the CAMS NSW Supersprints Club Championship.

Registrations close a week before the first Round starts so if any of your members are interested there is still time to register.

Registration costs around $50 and for information on how to register online please click here.

For more information on the CAMS NSW Supersprint Championships please click here.

Your members will find that this competition is not too different to Club and Multi-Club level events and the cars competing are very similar too. There are three 3 road registered types of classes, as well as other class types for Improved Production, Sports Sedans / Prodsports, Time Attack, Clubman’s and Racing cars.
The main difference is that cars are gridded and started from fastest to slowest in each group (of similar speed cars) to minimise overtaking and being overtaken. The great part about this regime is that most cars will have a faster car in front of them to chase which both helps improve times as well as providing an excellent fun factor … and that is what this sport is all about!
It would be really appreciated if you would pass this information (or forward this email) to your members.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions about these events, or if your Club has any questions or issues that you’d like addressed by CAMS, I am an elected member of the CAMS NSW State Council Executive and part of my role is to represent affiliated Club’s issues at the State Council Executive level.

Ian Williams
Chair, CAMS Supersprint Panel
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bud Posted - 26/02/2019 : 21:58:40
I'll be at the first event with my Toyota MR2 time attack weapon.

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