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 Thirlmere Rail Museum

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hilton Posted - 03/02/2023 : 12:03:18
Sunday April 16th, the club will visit the Thirlmere Rail Museum. If sufficient numbers, we can tour the entire complex and take a steam train ride. As well as that the 3801 will be there for a photo opp. not allowed on but very rare to see it! Times for set off posted soon start point Uncle Leos.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sharee Posted - 05/04/2023 : 19:47:07
Meeting point McDonalds Picton 11:30am sharp.
Sharee Posted - 29/03/2023 : 13:51:29

gerrs2000 Posted - 07/03/2023 : 09:40:14
Rob and Carmelina Will attend.Thanks.
frazert Posted - 03/03/2023 : 13:01:19
We currently have 24 confirmed starters..
Sharee Posted - 22/02/2023 : 12:55:04
Upcoming Event RSVPs required....
The NSW Rail Museum is at 10 Barbour Road, Thirlmere NSW 2572.
Museum Tour and Steam Train ride $31.50 adults, $22.50 seniors and concession cards and $13.50 kids (2-17). If you are just wishing to do the tour only it is $13.50 adults,$9.00 seniors and concession and $4.50 kids .
We ask that our members who are planning to attend RSVP by the March meeting (1 March 2023).
RSVPs can be given here on the forum or Facebook (let us know in the comments below, please include your membership name if your Forum/Facebook profile is under a different name).

frazert Posted - 15/02/2023 : 10:28:12
We are booked to arrive at 12pm I have booked for 40 we need to advise number by 3 weeks prior this needs to be number children up to 17 & number of adults. we have booked a Tour for 1pm & train ride for 2pm. A free Afternoon tea & coffee provided.
michael d Posted - 11/02/2023 : 07:31:05
Too of us will be attending.
Aggers1025 Posted - 08/02/2023 : 15:46:38
I will be going plus 1.
Hilton Posted - 03/02/2023 : 12:04:35
Anthony Frazer will be there
Hilton Posted - 03/02/2023 : 12:04:04
Hilton will be there

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