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 Shannon’s Classic Car Show 14 August 2022

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JVC063 Posted - 01/08/2022 : 11:17:49

This event is on Sunday 14th August, tickets are limited to a total of 30, tickets will be distributed at the AGM on August 3rd to those in attendance first, then flow onto those who are unable to attend. This stage limited to one ticket per Member. Please ensure you are financial before the meeting. Only financial Members can vote at the AGM.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JVC063 Posted - 09/08/2022 : 01:19:33
JVC063 Posted - 07/08/2022 : 15:54:36
Still available
JVC063 Posted - 06/08/2022 : 19:06:10

I have one ticket available, first to contact it will be yours.
Text 0412837677
Sharee Posted - 04/08/2022 : 12:43:08
Upon arrival the sticker should be on the inside of the windscreen RH drive/driver's side or visible on the front of the vehicle. If it is not stuck on you will be refused entry until it is, so avoid holdups and do it in the morning before leaving home. They are not meant to last, so don't apply it until the day or just before.

The track tours are on, but Clubs must respect the requirements of the ARDC and our Insurer. Your Club has accepted full responsibility for your members' actions. They should be aware of the rules which are printed on the back of the Window Stickers. We will have fixed and touring observers all day. This is a serious insurance & regulation requirement, so please do not treat it lightly!
Sharee Posted - 04/08/2022 : 10:42:15

Sharee Posted - 04/08/2022 : 10:30:40

Sharee Posted - 04/08/2022 : 10:25:09

Sharee Posted - 04/08/2022 : 10:19:05
Next Club Calendar Event - 2022 Shannons Sydney Classic - Sydney Motorsport Park - Sunday 14th August 2022 Club Display and Concour. Tickets have been distributed to members at the August meeting. If you have not got a ticket and want to attend please contact the committee ASAP. Gates open at 7am for those displaying their car, please arrive by no later than 8:30am so we can park your car before spectators arrive at 9am. Exit after 3pm. We are in Area D. Our Track Tour is scheduled for 9:30am (Area D 101)

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