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 Camden Small Ford car Club Show 2016

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaycees Posted - 06/11/2016 : 20:45:25
Well ..... what a great day,

any one else enjoy it ?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
esciie Posted - 21/11/2016 : 22:31:14
Well done Neale great pics
n/a Posted - 21/11/2016 : 06:54:23
Well done Neale, A great set of photos as usual.
220gt Posted - 20/11/2016 : 22:28:05
Neale boy

Gez u take a nice picture

I love that photo of my old car with the truck in the back ground

Good job

Keep em spinning

Neale Posted - 20/11/2016 : 19:37:56
Here are a few photos of the trophy presentation

Neale Posted - 20/11/2016 : 19:33:58
Top pics Brendan, thanks for sharing.
Thanks also to everyone that organised the day, great job!

Originally posted by jaycees

Considering we are in an electronic world with our very own Forum and it has been 8 days since our big show day and we still do not have any list of Trophy winners and pics of their cars. I had official duties all day so I didn't take my camera or ipad or I would have the pics up for all to see. I think even the banks are clearing Cheques faster than 8 days now.

Yeh seeing as everyone has a camera on their phone these days there would be more photos from everyone. You might have to upgrade your phone so it has a camera for next time Jim.

Sorry I haven't posted some photos on here earlier. I have been flat out house hunting and moving house, because the place I was living got put on the market while I was at the show.

I didn't get many photos, because I was also on official duties for most of the day but here are the pic of the bunch that I took while wandering around judging the cars.

1300_super Posted - 18/11/2016 : 22:13:58
Any other pictures guys?
jaycees Posted - 18/11/2016 : 08:43:02
Hey Brendon,
They are fantastic pictures,

It is great to finally see some pics of the clubs most important day

of the year when we show off our passion.

These pics will look good in the Club Magazine. The shot with all the

bonnets up looks great.
n/a Posted - 14/11/2016 : 23:14:18
Thanks Brendon.

The orange bubble arched one gets my vote.
esciie Posted - 14/11/2016 : 22:27:26
Yer stick to your day job mate u missed all the good cars mate, but thanks for your effort
Bacca Posted - 14/11/2016 : 22:20:29
Not bad for a chippy with an iPhone, thanks Brendon.

This was my favourite MK1 on the day. Very nice car.

Originally posted by Brendooon

Brendooon Posted - 14/11/2016 : 21:12:48
Disclaimer* I am a Carpenter not a Photographer and these were taken on my IPhone.
Also apologies for the Mk1 Escort bias but this is all I took!
Sorry not sorry.

n/a Posted - 14/11/2016 : 20:13:03
I took a lot of photos on the day Jim, but due to the fact that I have just updated my computer to Windows 10, I am having severe problems, and the computer is not working anymore. I am using my iPad in the meantime. I cannot upload my photos until such time as I get the computer working again. The iPad has a dinky little data plug that will not accept the camera data cable. I am sorry that it is taking so long, but nobody is frustrated more than me. I will upload photos as soon as I can.
jaycees Posted - 14/11/2016 : 17:50:11
Considering we are in an electronic world with our very own Forum and it has been 8 days since our big show day and we still do not have any list of Trophy winners and pics of their cars. I had official duties all day so I didn't take my camera or ipad or I would have the pics up for all to see. I think even the banks are clearing Cheques faster than 8 days now.
pj1600 Posted - 06/11/2016 : 21:15:45
n/a Posted - 06/11/2016 : 21:02:36
Yes Jim
It was a really great day. Such an impressive array of cars on display made me feel really proud of being a Small FORD Car Club member.
A big thanks must go out to all the multitude of helpers on the day, and particularly to the ladies who worked tirelessly on the food and drink sales. Another big thanks should also go out to the visiting car clubs who helped make such an impressive display.The financial outcome of the day was also very pleasing indeed.
Again, a big thanks to all. Neal has already placed some photos on facebook, and I will attempt to place some more on the Forum in a day or so.
Again, a huge thanks to all.


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